Alternative PPC Platforms And Common PPC Mistakes To Avoid

If you’re not already taking advantage of PPC platforms to advertise your products/services, you should start now. It’s the best marketing avenue for combining high user intent/high ROI advertising with real-time, trackable results that can be directly attributed to ad spend. However, given the current competition in the digital marketing space, it is not enough to simply invest in PPC advertising. It’s equally important to choose the right PPC platform(s) for your business.

In our previous blogs on PPC marketing, we introduced PPC in-depth, discussed various components of it, and detailed its long-term benefits. We also talked about some of the most popular and profitable search engines, social media platforms, and other avenues that offer PPC advertising. After reading up on these, you might have a basic idea of which PPC platform would best suit your business. Today, we will be listing alternative PPC platforms frequented by Kuwait online marketing companies that may not be as popular, but can be great for businesses that are just starting out, want to be more cost-efficient, or are simply looking for something new.

Alternative PPC Platforms

  1. Adroll

    Adroll is a popular AI-driven marketing platform that primarily focuses on retargeting users who have already visited your website, minimizing the risk of permanently losing customers. People also use it for personalized ads, cross-site dynamic ads, and email targeting. Its aim is to provide small businesses (especially those in e-commerce) the tools, technology, and expertise that is so commonly available to bigger brands. It has also partnered with ad networks like Facebook, Google, and eBay, making it possible to access almost 2 billion digital shopper profiles. Adroll offers free trial runs before charging a premium, so you can test it out to see how well it works for you.

  2. Bidvertizer

    Bidvertizer is a direct advertising platform for creating banner ads, native ads, direct ads, pop-under ads, and push notifications. If you create campaigns through experienced and top digital marketing agencies in Kuwait, you can get featured on Bidvertizer’s partner websites (ever 78,500). It has a pretty low cost-per-click rate as well.

  3. Taboola and Outbain

    These used to be two different advertising platforms until they merged in 2019. They are dedicated content and discovery (text and video) native advertising networks. For marketing here, you will need to create engaging blog posts or news articles about your product/service, and you may get a chance to be featured on sites like Business Insider and CNBC. Their strategy is to target audiences when and where they are most receptive. PPC options include CPM and CPC, and its one of the cheapest PPC networks out there. Compared to Google, Taboola’s partner sites are all high-quality and high-traffic, each having over a million visitors per month.

  4. RevContent

    RevContent is also a content recommendation ad platform. It doesn’t have the choice of high-end sites like Taboola & Outbrain, but it has great reach with US audiences (97% US households). They have less competition yet are the fastest gowing native ad network in the world. It may be worth looking for Kuwait digital marketing services that can help you create campaigns here.

  5. AdRecover

    With more and more people using ad blockers as browser extensions, especially millennials, the threat to PPC advertising has increased. But AdRecover has found a way to get around this with fully permission-enbled and non-intrusive ads, getting access to the high-value millennial audience. Although there are no video or banner ads here, only static and text-based ads. Given its higher cost, AdRecover may not be ideal for small and medium sized businesses, but its a great way to target millennials.

Common PPC Mistakes To Avoid

Now that we have covered the several mainstream and alternative PPC platforms available for businesses today, let’s talk a little about the common mistakes PPC advertisers and even top digital marketing companies in Kuwait make, and how you can avoid them. This way, no matter which PPC platform/platforms you avail, you can still get the best out of them.

  1. Blindly jumping into PPC

    Before you even get started with PPC, it’s important to identify the goals you wish to achieve. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, and not something as vague as “generate more leads”. If you’re finding it hard to create these goals, wait to develop some baseline statistics the first month of your PPC campaign, and set future goals based on that baseline. However, since every PPC platform is inevitably different, and so are the audiences on each platform, don’t cross-apply goals to one platform based on another platform’s achievement.

  2. Using the same ads everywhere

    The same ad will not generate the same success across all PPC platforms. Compare the more professionally produced and product-oriented videos typical on YouTube with the entertaining and user-created videos that TikTok audiences prefer.

  3. Forgetting to experiment and test

    Since PPC platforms and the users that visit them are constantly evolving, a PPC advertising or bidding strategy that previously worked for you might not work again. It’s important to keep testing and rotating new ad strategies to determine what your audience likes best and scale your success on each PPC platform.

    Moreso, don’t put all your efforts into making a campaign just to eventually forget about it. As your ad keeps getting old, your target market’s interest in them will gradually decline, giving your competitors a chance to take over.

  4. Not implementing conversion tactics

    With PPC, it’s not enough to simply track. What you track, and how you track, is essential to ensuring that your results align with your goals. If monitoring your conversion return is important to you, research and make use of the several automated PPC features offered by PPC platforms and otherwise. It’s easier to track the right way when you have a tech-savvy team backing you up.

At Design Master, one of the top digital marketing companies in Kuwait, our web marketing team will formulate a custom PPC campaign for you and select keywords that best represent your brand and help you generate leads, increase sales, and promote brand awareness. By understanding the long-term benefits of PPC marketing and by knowing what to look for in a PPC platform, we can help you reach the correct target audience, track results more accurately, make appropriate campaign changes along the way, and in general, help you better meet your business’s PPC needs.

Learn more about us by visiting our web page or contact us to get started on your personalized PPC campaign.

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